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Week 2 2010

Page history last edited by Włodzimierz Sobkowiak 14 years, 2 months ago

Week 2 - Exploring Education and Virtual Worlds

Week 2: Jan 18-24

Coordinator: Włodzimierz Sobkowiak (Wlodek Barbosa in SL)



In this week there will be field trips to different educational spaces in Second Life and discussions. The choice of these spaces will be guided by the overall character of this course, as well as participants needs. As the core theme here is teaching languages, we will visit arts & humanities oriented places in Second Life, rather than those relating to sciences.  In each case there will be ample time for discussion and feedback, as well as participants' own reflections on the places visited. Participants will be encouraged to visit some places individually, and then provide feedback to the group by blogging about their experiences on the TLVW10 Ning.


Learning outcomes

By the end of this week, you should:

  • know your colleagues on the TLVW10 even better
  • have increased your skill and comfort level with the main tools for interaction and communication, both in SL and on Ning
  • have learned how to use some of the more advanced functionalities of the SL user interface
  • have been on a guided tour of an innovative and creative educational space in Second Life, as a result of which you should...
  • have been inspired to think outside the box about using virtual worlds for language learning
  • have collaboratively explored and evaluated at least one general educational space in Second Life (not the guided field trip above); see below


Useful SL skills


Click this link to go to the SL skills list and tutorial videos.



  1. Attend a synchronous 1-hour session and work in a group to practice communication, navigation, movement, profile completion and taking snapshots inworld
  2. Post your reflections on the activity as a blog post in the TLVW10 Ning 
  3. Attend one of the scheduled guided tours of an educational sim, take photos while there and post these and your reflections to the TLVW10 Ning and/or Flickr (tag your snapshots with tlvw10)
  4. Explore and evaluate at least one general educational space in Second Life (not the guided field trip above) and post these and your reflections to the TLVW10 Ning and/or Flickr (tag your snapshots with tlvw10)
  5. Participate in the discussions or ask questions related to this week in the forum on the TLVW10 Ning.


Resources - some educational spaces to visit in SL:


Optional Readings/Viewings 







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