Week 3 - Second Life and Languages
Week 3: Jan 26 - Feb 1
This week will be spent visiting areas in SL where different languages are spoken. This will include Real Life places that are represented in SL as well as places where languages are taught. The overall aim is for everyone to have an initial idea of how SL can be used / is being used for language learning, teaching and practice both informally and formally..
Learning outcomes
By the end of this week, you should:
- have visited some of the suggested places where different languages are being spoken / taught in Second Life
- have reflected on your visits in a blog post in our Ning group
- be aware of how Second Life can be used by language learners for language practice
- have started to become comfortable with the Second Life interface and with its communication tools
- have participated in the forum discussion about Real Life places in Second Life
- Select some of the Real Life places in SL from the list below (or from the Webheads HQ in Second Life) and visit them. If possible, do this in pairs or form a small group. There are also some organised tours during the week. Take snapshots and post them to our Ning group with your reflections in a blog post and/or in the forum discussion about Real Life places in Second Life
- Attend one of the scheduled guided tours of Languagelab, a language school that only exists in SL, with Dafne Gonzales, ESP/EFL teacher at Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela and Spanish course coordinator of Languagelab. Post your reflections to our Ning group.
1. Real Life places in Second Life - possibilities for language learning practice
The reason for visiting these places is to explore the possibilities for language learning at places where different languages are being spoken in Second Life. The big question here is whether these places are suitable places to visit if you are a langage learner.
How it works: Click the link. A new browser will open with the Slurl. Click teleport. NB: you need to be signed in to SL for it to work.
---> Here is a world map with a (complete) overview of real life places in Second Life. You can click the pins to get to the SLURL page and teleport.
- RL Places in SL Field Trips have been organised at these days/times:
Wednesday, 28 January, 21.00-23.00 GMT
Saturday January 31st, 09.00-11.00 GMT
Sunday February 1st, 18.00-20.00 GMT
Copy of notecard with suggested language learning activities: RL in SL Language Activities
2. Language Teaching in SL - A Second Life-only school
We have been lucky to have been offered the opportunity to visit Second Life's largest and most active language learning academy. To prepare for the visit, you can read more about the organisation here: Stories from Second Life: Language Lab .
- Languagelab Guided Tours have been organised at these days/times:
Tuesday, 27 January, 19.00 GMT
Wednesday, 28 January, 9.00 GMT
Optional Readings/Viewings
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